• Great instructors and welcoming community. They train to your level and on your timeframe. Your training doesn't end after one week and then you are on your own. Which is likely more important than you realize when you first start out. They will work with you until you are ready to fly and beyond.

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    Brandon D. Avatar Brandon D.
    February 6, 2023

    Awesome instructors!! Extremely patient and very knowledgeable. Environment at Laney's is great! The combination makes for one of the best ppg schools in the US.

    Joe B Avatar Joe B
    December 27, 2021

    The Mojo's crew is extremely flexible with multiple LZs and meeting times to get your flights in. The instructors I worked with all have varying experience and teaching methods but are always patient and encouraging. It's not just an awesome school—the community they've built around paramotoring spans the four corners of North Carolina and beyond!

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    Rachel Baltazar Avatar Rachel Baltazar
    August 2, 2023
  • I couldn't have asked for a better team of instructors..If you're interested in learning how to paramotor, Mojos Flight School will teach you everything you need to know. They take their time which each student individually and make sure you're completely trained and ready before you take your first flight. Amazing vibe and effort from every one of the instructors. Thank you!

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    Michael Tarr Avatar Michael Tarr
    September 3, 2023

    Got my PPG2 at mojo's and couldn't recommend them enough! My favorite thing about Mojo's is it isn't just a 7 day class, they work with you whenever you're available to train at your schedule.

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    William Beasley Avatar William Beasley
    August 3, 2023

    I was so happy to learn that there was a Paramotor flight school in North Carolina. Donald and Justin are great instructors and got me up in the air safely. Highly recommended. -Ben

    Ben Laurenzi Avatar Ben Laurenzi
    December 27, 2020